The contradictions of anti-education reformers — US edition

Chinmaya Holla
1 min readFeb 9, 2015

Modeled Behavior has a brilliant article on the inherent contradictions of the anti-education reformers in the US.

You can see strains of this in India already with the public schools vs private schools debate. Despite growing evidence pointing towards the inefficiencies of the public schools, supporters of public education insist on additional spending on public schools. It’s hard to justify more money being thrown at these schools without a fundamental restructuring of the governance in public schools.

I’m still undecided on the school choice versus public school debate. Given that there are no demonstrably successful country-wide school choice systems, I am still partial towards public schooling but government schools in India make it very hard to win any debate on this today. Equity is a main motivation for supporting public schools but theoretically, school choice can take care of that as well.

I hope we don’t get to a place where the narrative is so partisan that hypocrisy becomes second nature.

